Notting Hill in the Sixties

Charlie Phillips


Publisher/Lawrence & Wishart

Format/ソフトカバー   Pages/112   Size/238*238*10
"Notting Hill in the Sixties" is a collection of works by photographer Charlie Parker, who was born in Jamaica and raised in England. Born in Kingston, Jamaica in 1944, he set out on a journey to follow his parents, who had previously immigrated at the age of 11, and finally reunited at the age of 17 via Cuba and Spain, becoming a community of Caribbean immigrants. Move to Notting Hill. After that, while working at a restaurant run by my parents, I self-taught photos that I was interested in, took pictures at Notting Hill during the day off, and in the evening I made the bathroom a dark room and printed. It seems to be. Philip was enthusiastic about photography in the 1960s and 1970s, but in the 1980s he mainly managed restaurants, and at one point his career as a photographer was suspended, but since the 1990s he has also held exhibitions and other events. , The activity has continued in recent years. This book is composed of plates taken at Notting Hill in the 1960s and 1970s, and contains the state of the city centered on Kalinago immigrants before it developed into the current trend area. This is a valuable document.
<Related Artists> Joakim Eskildsen
<Condition> Good.