
Thomas Ruff


Publisher/Morel Books

Format/ハードカバー   Pages/-   Size/255*378*20
"Sterne", a collection of works by German photographer Thomas Ruff. Born in Zell am Harmersbach in 1958, Rufu is one of the so-called "Becher factions" who learned from Bernd and Hilla Becher with Andreas Gursky and others who represent contemporary photography. Since the 2000s, he has also been a professor at his alma mater, Düsseldorf Academy of Arts. Starting with the "Interieurs" series, which captures the indoor scenery of a typical German home, which he worked on while attending the academy, he attracted attention with "Portrats," which is a huge portrait of friends around him. Since then, he has continued to explore new concepts of "photographs" such as landscapes, architectures, nudes, celestial bodies, digital images using computers, and works that reconstruct materials distributed on the Internet. I'm an artist. This book is a collection of works of the night sky and stars that were taken using the observatory's telescope for recording. It is a book that makes you realize the reality that celestial bodies that were an unknown world are approaching the everyday world.
<Related Artists> Thomas Ruff
<Condition> Good.