アサヒカメラ 1968年12月号 / Asahi Camera December 1968


¥1,650(¥1,500 + tax)


Format/ソフトカバー   Pages/307   Size/180*258*15
The December 1968 issue of the photo magazine "Asahi Camera", which was decided to be suspended from the July 2020 issue. The recorded works are "Sakaide / Aerial Complex" by Keisuke Kumakiri, who has been active as a freelance photojournalist since the 1960s, followed by Norihiko Matsumoto "Moscow Art Theater", Kenji Ishiguro "Ken Takakura", Teruo Nakamura "Another Face" , Kimura Ibei "Bambooworker / Iwamori Rare Bamboo Forest", Shimada Dai "Works / Beat", Takagi Yasumitsu "Test kid birth", Shirasawa Ryo "Contrast", Nishiyama Miki "Ari", Nakahara Akihiro "Snowscape", Morihira "Tsu et al." "No request", Yoshiyuki Yano "American in Japan", Jan Saggle "August 1968, Prague", etc. In addition, the text "Let's decorate photographic prints" by Kanbei Hanaya is also posted.
<Related Artists> アサヒカメラ / Asahi Cameraカメラ毎日 / Camera Mainichi
<Condition> Main body: Cover small scratches, small stains, small stains, small damage, heaven / earth / small scratches, small edges damage