Naked Hollywood(First Edition)


¥20,900(¥19,000 + tax)

Publisher/Pellegrini & Cudahy

Format/ハードカバー   Pages/-   Size/280*205*15
"Naked Hollywood" is a photo book by Wiesie, born in Austria and active in New York. Weezie was a freelance photographer in New York in the prewar period. A work that captures humanity's "New York at night" nakedly, different from Brassai's "Paris at night", and captures peace and confusion, wealth and poverty, etc. with a warm gaze through the scene of the incident and the street scene. Is highly regarded not only for its recordability but also for its artistry. This book was filmed during the time that Wheezy was invited to Hollywood and worked as a technical director, following the success of the 1945 photo album `` Naked City '' (naked city, New York), which sparked sensationalism. It consists of photos. "Nude Hollywood" is as if you have exposed the shame on the back of the glamorous world. A book that condenses the creativity of Wheezy, such as experimental photos such as distortion and unique editing contents.
<Related Artists>Diane ArbusWeegeeLisette Model
<Condition> Jacket: Slight thread, Slight stain, Slight wrinkles and some chips Body: Tenkoguchi burn, Slight stain.