The Street

Harry Callahan

¥9,680(¥8,800 + tax)

Publisher/Black Dog Publishing

Format/ハードカバー   Pages/159   Size/260*285*18
Harry Callahan, one of America's leading photographers, is a collection of photos from The Street. Having worked for major automakers Chrysler and GM, he began to work on photography in earnest when he visited the exhibition and lecture of the great master Ansel Adams. While creating personal pieces for life, he taught at prestigious schools such as the New Bauhaus and Rhode Island School of Design, and Yasuhiro Ishimoto (preface to his representative work Chicago, Chicago was Callahan) and Ray K Metzker. Harry Callahan has been a great contributor as a photography educator. This book is a photo book published on the occasion of the exhibition held at the Vancouver Art Gallery in Canada in 2016. In the first half, the landscape is full of snaps and calculations in monochrome, and in the second half, the main is color, reflection and graffiti.
<Related Artists> Harry Callahan
<Condition> Very good.