名取洋之助 報道写真とグラフィック・デザインの開拓者

白山 眞理 / Mari Shirayama



Format/ソフトカバー   Pages/159   Size/168*218*10
A collection of works by Yonosuke Natori (1910-1962), a photographer and editor who represented the 20th century, and was a pioneer in news photography and graphic design. After graduating from Keio University, he studied commercial art in Germany.After 1930, he purchased a camera and acquired skills after 1930.He became a contract photographer for the German newspaper and magazine company Ulstein, and was active as a photojournalist. You. After returning to Japan, he established "Nippon Kobo" together with Nobuo Ina, Hiroshi Hara and Ihei Kimura to take root in "photographing", and he shows his talent in the production of foreign graph magazines. After the war, he worked as editor-in-chief of "Weekly Sun News" and "Iwanami Photo Bunko", working together with photographers and designers to establish new concepts of "design" and "photography" in Japan. , Is a great editor who has contributed to the development of those artists. It is a valuable collection of materials that summarizes Natori's achievements in detail.
<Related Artists> 名取 洋之助 / Yonosuke Natori
<Condition> Jacket / Body: Aged