the kids were alright

Ryan McGinley



Format/ハードカバー   Pages/336   Size/210*285*30
The kids were alright's collection of works by leading American photographer Ryan McGinley. As McGinley fans know, this title has the same name as the private version of the first book, and was published after an exhibition in Denver in 2017. It is McGinley, who now has an image like "Utopia" where reality and fiction come together. It was in my early career that I took photos of them. And as a photographer who succeeded the genealogy of Larry Clark and Nan Goldin, etc., a private version of the photo book published under the same title, which became a chance for a solo exhibition at the Whitney Museum of Art. The In this work, many polaroids not recorded in the private version are also recorded, and the beginning of the book is an artist, Dash Snow, who influenced McGinley both public and private. A large 336-page book.
<Related Artists> Ryan Mcginley
<Condition> Very good.