Iran: la Revolution Confisquee

Attar Abbas


Publisher/Editions Cletrat

Format/ソフトカバー   Pages/-   Size/225*245*10
“Iran: la Revolution Confisquee” is a collection of works by Iranian photographer Alter Abbas (1944-2018). Common name, Abbas. He started his career as a photojournalist in Nigeria in the early 1960s, and in the early 70s Gamma, who also belonged to the French master Raymond Dupardon. Abas was built and became a member of Magnum Photo in 1981. So far, he has been reporting in nearly 30 developing countries, mainly in Africa, Southeast Asia, and Latin America, and has been working on religion-themed documents since 1990, including the restoration of Islamic culture and interviews with Christians. . This book is one of Abas' masterpieces and one of the masterpieces of “Protest Photo Book”. It contains illustrations of the Iranian Revolution around 1980, where women, children, the elderly, and everyone in the country have guns in a dangerous environment, fighting the government and the people themselves The historical battle until the establishment of the "Islamic State" that won the administration in is described.
<Related Artists> Raymond Depardon
<Condition> Main body: Cover little thread, little damage heaven, ground, small mouth minor, little damage