
Christian Lutz

¥2,750(¥2,500 + tax)

Publisher/Lars Muller

Format/ソフトカバー   Pages/90   Size/245*308*13
Protokoll is a collection of works by Christian Lutz (1973-), a photographer born in Geneva, Switzerland. Christian Lutz has produced many unique works from a sociological approach, such as political power, economic power, and religious power. This is a collection of images that depict "political power" from an unusual perspective. For three years, Lutz accompanied members of the Swiss Federal Parliament and photographed various official events around the world. In the process, he closely observed the performance of power that political decision-makers and their entourage follow, conveying a new reality that differs from official photographs. This book is a critical collection of the manifestations of power that are occasionally and fleetingly glimpsed during strictly prescribed "ceremonies," with laughter and surprise. Included in 802 Photo Books.
<Related Artists> Anna Fox
<Condition> Good.