Raskols The Gangs of Papua New Guinea

Stephen Dupont

¥2,200(¥2,000 + tax)

Publisher/Powerhouse Books

Format/ハードカバー   Pages/-   Size/210*260*15
"Raskols The Gangs of Papua New Guinea" is a collection of works by Australian photographer Steven Dupont. This book is set in Papua New Guinea, a famous resort country, and is based on the motif of Raskols, the longest-running criminal organization in the country. There are many unemployed and impoverished people, and many gangs are said to kidnap, rape, carjack, and even murder. While it is called a resort, security problems are also becoming apparent. Dupont was the first person in the world to be recognized by Raskols and photograph them, and he infiltrates their community to capture the portraits of the gangsters. However, gangsters are sometimes described as Robin Hoods, and it cannot be denied that behind this lies the problem of a corrupt government and police. This book depicts the reality of the place through Raskols.
<Related Artists> 岡原 功祐 / Kosuke Okahara
<Condition> Very good.