Edited Photographs 1992-2004

Nigel Shafran

¥22,000(¥20,000 + tax)


Format/ハードカバー   Pages/144   Size/230*295*23
"Edited Photographs 1992-2004" is a collection of works by British photographer Nigel Shafran. Born in 1964, he is a commercial fashion photographer who has risen to prominence with works such as "THE FACE" and "iD" along with Juergen Teller and Corinne Day, and has also produced great photo work in collaboration with the maison brand "LOEWE". Shafran showed. On the other hand, he has a unique aesthetic sense that focuses on personal works that focus on his partner and family, as well as the details of daily life such as washing dishes and charity shops, with the theme of the beauty that resides in everyday and trivial things. He is an artist who has provided works such as ``Ruthbook'', ``Dad's Office'', ``Flowers for'', and ``Ruth on the Phone'', which have received high acclaim. This book is a sequence of the above-mentioned works created from 1992 to 2004, and is also a skillful book that depicts the changes of Ruth's partner Ruth over the years and her multifaceted charm. This is an edited collection of works.
<Related Artists> Viviane Sassen
<Condition> Very good.