コマーシャルフォト / Commercial Photo 5月号増刊 No.151 ポスター・デザインと印刷


¥3,850(¥3,500 + tax)


Format/ソフトカバー   Pages/166   Size/183*258*15
May 1976 special issue of the magazine "Commercial Photo" published by Genkosha. While most of the photo magazines that had been indispensable to the photography world for many years, such as Camera Mainichi, Asahi Camera, and Nippon Camera, have ceased publication, there is a valuable magazine that still exists for more than 60 years after the war, Commercial. photo". While adhering to the concept of ``a specialized magazine for photographers and advertising creators involved in photography and advertising,'' the magazine has been well-received for keeping trends in check. This book is titled "Poster Design and Printing" and is full of highlights, including Tadanori Yokoo's works and interviews from 1970 to 1976, Eiko Ishioka's poster designs and interviews, and a conversation between art directors Ikko Tanaka and Katsumi Asaba. This is one book.
<Related Artists> カメラ毎日 / Camera Mainichiアサヒカメラ / Asahi Camera
<Condition> Good.