
Sabiha Cimen


Publisher/Red Hook Editions

Format/ハードカバー   Pages/-   Size/208*275*18
``Hafiz'' is a collection of works by Turkish female photographer Sabiha Cimen. Born in Istanbul, he studied international trade and finance at university, and is self-taught in photography. A photographer who continues to depict identity, as well as social and cultural aspects, through portraits and still lifes rooted in Islamic culture. And this work is Sabiha's first project, and it is composed of the image of continuing to follow the girls of the Koranic school that he himself attended. Among the Middle Eastern countries, there are a series of serene and beautiful illustrations that make you feel the human rights of women in Turkey, which is said to have a stronger male predominance, as well as appeals such as freedom, thought, and vision. Winner of the 2022 Paris Photo Aperture PhotoBook First Book Awards.
<Related Artists> Olivia Arthur
<Condition> Very good.