季刊 同人写真誌 VIEW 第15号


¥38,500(¥35,000 + tax)


Format/ソフトカバー   Pages/74   Size/183*255*8
This book was first published in May 1977, led by Toshio Yamada, who graduated from the "Tomatsu Lighting Class" of the Terakoya-style "Workshop / Photography School" taught by Tomatsu Lighting and others in the late 70's. The final issue of the quarterly photo magazine "View". In his hometown of Ashikaga City, Tochigi Prefecture, Yamada launched a mini-gallery, Photo Shop Astoria, using his own photo shop. In order to expand, we worked on presenting works through "gallery" and "quarterly magazine". Collaborating with local artists and photography colleagues, he presented a number of works, and occasionally introduced the works of members such as "Camp" and "Put", his gallery friends in Tokyo. bottom. In the trend of "off-magazine" from around the 1970s, photographers themselves launched "media" and freely announced their intentions and works, and the text and illustrations are very interesting. It is
<Related Artists> 山田 利男 / Toshio Yamada
<Condition> Good.