Underground Travels on the Global Metro

Marco Pesaresi

¥27,500(¥25,000 + tax)


Format/ハードカバー   Pages/125   Size/250*295*15
"Underground Travels on the Global Metro", a collection of works by Italian photographer Marco Pesaresi (1964-2001). A photographer who died suddenly in 2001 and has been awarded the "Marco Pesaresi Award" in his hometown of Italy despite his lack of work, and his achievements are highly regarded. This work is a masterpiece published in the 1990s before his death, and is a collection of works composed of illustrations taken on the stage of "subways" around the world. Speaking of subway and train photo collections, there are many masterpieces by Bruce Davidson, Nobuyoshi Araki, Walker Evans, and Willy Spiller. Is a world full of human dramas, from rushes, humanity, and fights to love stories between men and women, a perfect subject for photography? Nowadays, it seems that taking pictures is becoming less and less common due to personal information issues. Calcutta, Mexico City, and Tokyo, and visited subways around the world and captured them on camera, and a series of them are introduced in this book.
<Related Artists> Bruce Davidson
<Condition> Good.