香港 / Hong Kong 1995-1997(Signed)

山内 道雄 / Michio Yamauchi



Format/ソフトカバー   Pages/-   Size/210*298*10
Japanese photographer Michio Yamauchi's photo book ``Hong Kong / Hong Kong 1995-1997 (Signed)''. Michio Yamauchi is a photographer who is a direct descendant of Daido and studied under Daido Moriyama. Born in Aichi Prefecture in 1950, after graduating from Waseda University and working as a journalist, he entered what is now Tokyo Visual Arts at the age of 29, and later joined the legendary 'Image Shop CAMP' run by Keizo Kitajima and others. While presenting his photographs at galleries and solo exhibitions, he gradually began to focus on producing photo books. He has released works set not only in Tokyo but also in Asia such as Shanghai and Hong Kong, and is a master of street photography representing Japan, having won numerous awards including the Ken Domon Award, the Tadahiko Hayashi Award, and the Nobuo Ina Award. This book is an early work published by Sokyusha in 1997, and is a collection of snapshots taken in Hong Kong in the 1990s. Signed by the photographer .
<Related Artists> 山内 道雄 / Michio Yamauchi
<Condition> Very good.