Magie de la Photo en Couleur




Format/ハードカバー   Pages/135   Size/263*308*23
This book is a photo book "Magie de la Photo en Couleur" published by Lausanne, Switzerland in 1961. Since the rise of color photography with the advent of William Eggleston and others has been around since the 1970s, this book was published in Europe in the early 1960s when the artistic value of color photography was not yet recognized. The English translation of the title is "Color Photo Magic". Beautiful illustrations reminiscent of great men who have been focusing on color since the 1950s and 1960s, such as Saul Leiter and Ernest Haas. The recorded works are "Ballet" (Walter Boje), "Paris" (Peter Cornelius), "Rythmes en Couleur" (Kilian Breier), "Londres" (Erwin Fleger), "Parc" (Fritz Fenzl), "Essais en Couleur". "(Heinz Hajek-Halke)," Acier "(Horst H. Baumann)," Portraits de Femmes "(Hajek-Halke).
<Related Artists> BrassaiRobert DoisneauIzis
<Condition> Good.