Dive Dark Dream Slow

Melissa Catanese


Publisher/The Ice Plant

Format/ハードカバー   Pages/-   Size/195*240*10
"Dive Dark Dream Slow" is a collection of works by American female photographer Melissa Catanese. Born in Cleveland, Ohio in 1979, he is now a Pittsburgh-based photographer, but is basically known as the "Found Photo" artist who reconstructed his personally collected photographs, and has recently over 20,000. He has published a number of compilations of the collection of Peter J. Cohen, a collector who owns a huge number of private photographs. This book is one of them, and as the meaningful title of "Dive in the dark and dream slowly", while taking in the photos to dive moderately, something like floating fantasy. The story is created with the unique editing that you envision. This book is especially recommended for women, who have various imaginations while making quiet footsteps.
<Related Artists> Maja Daniels宮崎 皓一 / Koichi Miyazaki
<Condition> Very good.