House of Bondage(First Edition)

Ernest Cole


Publisher/Random House

Format/ハードカバー   Pages/192   Size/300*220*20
Ernest Cole's photo book "House of Bondage (First Edition)", the first black freelance photographer in South Africa. Cole studied photography by taking a correspondence course at NYIP in New York while assisting photographer Jürgen Schadeberg, who was born in Berlin and was active in South Africa and Europe. After becoming free, apartheid will make connections with young and talented journalists, musicians and politicians, and with their support, will solidify their determination to convey the reality of this racism to the world. In 1966, he secretly headed to New York to show his photo to Magnum Photos, and the American publisher Random House acquired the rights to this edition, which was published in 1967. However, of course, the handling of this book was banned in South Africa, Cole was also deported, and after that he died of cancer in 1990 while living in New York. This photo book, which depicts the reality of apartheid that a young photojournalist has worked on throughout his life, has become a masterpiece that has been beautifully depicted graphically and handed down. Published in 1967, first edition. (Published in Parr & Bager Vol II)
<Related Artists> David Goldblatt
<Condition> Very good. Slightly damages on the edges of text pages.