センチメンタルな空 / Sentimental Sky

荒木 経惟 / Nobuyoshi Araki


Publisher/Rat Hole Gallery

Format/ハードカバー   Pages/160   Size/223*248*20
A collection of works by Nobuyoshi Araki, a photographer representing postwar Japan, "Sentimental Sky". Perhaps Nobuyoshi Araki is the number one photographer in the world who has published and published a collection of works. There are over 500 photo books. Recently, not only the re-edited and unpublished past works, such as "Moonlight Photograph", which summarizes the early work of the 1960s, but also the latest works that continue to be photographed every day like a diary. We regularly collaborate with fashion brands such as the "Shokan Elderly" series and fashion brands such as SLY, and our creative activities are unabated. This book is a collection of works published at the time of the exhibition held at the now-defunct Rat Hole Gallery, which was run by Hysteric Glamor. This is just one book. Limited to 1200 copies.
<Related Artists> 荒木 経惟 / Nobuyoshi Araki
<Condition> Very good.