The Agony and the Ecstasy Jack Webb by Glen Luchford

Glen Luchford

¥22,000(¥20,000 + tax)


Format/ハードカバー   Pages/-   Size/240*265*23
The photo book "The Agony and the Ecstasy Jack Webb by Glen Luchford" by Glen Luchford, a photographer born in the United Kingdom and based in the United States. He made his debut with "The Face" in the 1990s and made a name for himself with portraits of Ian Brown and Kate Moss of The Stone Roses. Take a bath. Since then, he has collaborated with the painter Jenny Saville, and in recent years has been responsible for the season visuals of "Gucci" and "Rag & Bone", and even produced "The Rose Hotel" in Venice Beach, and continues to be active in a wide range of fields. I'm a photographer. This book is a collection of works published in 2017, and has a unique design in which a test shot photograph modeled on the assistant Jack Webb and a photograph actually taken of the model are arranged side by side in a spread. So, the cover photo is also a collection of elaborate works in which both are projected in 3D at the intersection.
<Related Artists> Glen Luchford
<Condition> Very good.