The Magazine for Man(①② 2 Volume)


¥16,500(¥15,000 + tax)


   Published/1966 & 1967
Format/ソフトカバー   Pages/-   Size/075*075*8
A set of two volumes of "The Magazine for Man" published in the late 1960s. The size is 075 * 075, which is a rare palm size, but the illustrations included are monochrome and gravure print nudes. Nude photography masters such as Shotaro Akiyama, Takashi Kijima, Masaya Nakamura, and Tadao Higuchi are on credit. All poems and essay-style texts are in English, but the content is just like spelling Japanese in English. It's unclear what the intention was for this design to be reduced to this size, but it may have been made as an adult Eros book for men to sneak a look at. In any case, it is a collection of works that perfectly envelops the atmosphere of the times when many experimental efforts were born in both photography and binding.
<Related Artists> 別冊アトリエ / Atelier
<Condition> Good.