Sorry You Missed the 60s

Philip Townsend


Publisher/Shilver Shutter Books

Format/ソフトカバー   Pages/-   Size/245*280*13
"Sorry you Missed the 60s", a collection of works by British photographer Philip Townsend (1940-2016). The career that Townsend left in the 1960s was so great that it was nicknamed "Mr. Sixties", and the youth culture of "Beatles" was born and "Swinging London" became popular, such as David Hockney and Allen Jones. The artists were leaving the nest, and Andy Warhol and others said that "the origin of the world in the 1960s was London", and Britain in this era was full of power. Townsend was also the first official photographer of The Rolling Stones and also featured the Beatles documentation. In addition to their on-off shots, models such as Twiggy and Charlotte Rampling, which symbolize this era, will also appear.
<Related Artists> Andy Warhol
<Condition> Good.