Rock Design 2005 オフィシャルTシャツ完全カタログ


¥3,300(¥3,000 + tax)


Format/ソフトカバー   Pages/327   Size/150*210*18
This book is the Rock Design 2005 Official T-shirt Catalog "Rock Design 2005 Official T-shirt Complete Catalog" published in 2005. From punk, metal, hardcore to the Beatles, all genre imported rock T-shirts are covered in A to Z order with about 1500 designs. Below, from the preface of this book, "All of the approximately 1500 types of rock T-shirts in this book are still available for purchase and are completely official. The artist's strong self-assertion drawn on the canvas of fabric, Take a look at the many official T-shirt designs! You may be interested in the band from the T-shirts listed here, and you can also enjoy this book as a band catalog. Official Rock T-shirts I want you to fully enjoy the new world that spreads from. "
<Related Artists> ロックTシャツ
<Condition> Good.