Restricted Areas(English Edition)

Danila Tkachenko


Publisher/Dewi Lewis Publishing

Format/ハードカバー   Pages/104   Size/243*300*13
"Restricted Areas (English Edition)", a collection of works by Russian photographer Danilla Tkachenko. Born in Moscow in 1989, majored in documentary at Rodchenko Moscow School of Photography & Multimedia, founded by the Moscow Multimedia Museum in 2006. Since then, he has continued his creative activities in Russia and European countries. In the first book "Escape", a meaningful work that asks "What is really happy for human beings?" Is presented to people who are so-called recluse and who escape from reality and live quietly in nature. Although it was a hot topic, this book, which is the second work, made the name of Tkachenko known to the world. Here, the reality is that airplanes, ships, rockets, and related industrial facilities developed for the future by making full use of technology and desires are now abandoned like abandoned figurines. A collection of works that have been projected. This is a collection of works that questioned the economy that what was developed with a large investment is thrown away, and what is made and thrown away. Published in five languages, this is a rare English version.
<Related Artists> Danila Tkachenko
<Condition> Very good.