アサヒカメラ1971年・全12号 / Asahi Camera All 12 issues 1971(森山大道「何かへの旅」収録号)




Format/ソフトカバー   Pages/-   Size/180*258*180
Following the 1969 serialization "Accident" and the 1970 "Annual Cover Photograph", Asahi Camera (editor, Takayuki Komori) gave Daido Moriyama an annual serialization page in 1971, and Moriyama (accompanied by Komori) (Under) I traveled all over Japan and continued the series entitled "Journey to Something" for 12 months (By the way, in 1973, I announced the annual series "Ground"). Starting with the January issue of "Straits that stretch out", "Express", "Dog Town", "Dam Site Town", "Zone", "Weekend", "Horizon", "Another Country, Tokyo", "Ishikari Town" "Girl", "At Kobe", "Noto Peninsula", "Kyoto" and so on. In addition, "Night" (June issue) and "Bad Ward" (December issue) have also been announced, but this serialization of Moriyama's magazine from 1971 to 1974 was published by Getsuyosha in 2009. It is also highly recommended as it is summarized in "Journey to Something 1971 --1974 " .
<Related Artists> アサヒカメラ / Asahi Cameraカメラ毎日 / Camera Mainichi
<Condition> Main body: Cover Slight scratches, Slight stains, Slight stains, Slight damage, Heaven / Earth / Small mouth Slight discoloration / Slight scratches, Slight edge damage