Esther Kroon 1966 - 1992

Esther Kroon


Publisher/Stichting Kroon Fotografie

Format/ハードカバー   Pages/-   Size/230*275*13
"Esther Kroon 1966 -1992" is a collection of works by Dutch female photographer Esther Kroon (1966 -1992). A legendary photographer killed by a gang in Guatemala when he was 25. In his home country, he studied under portrait master Rineke Dijkstra. A photographer with a reputation for strobe portraits handed down by his teacher, especially for children's portraits, the portraits of the children of this city taken in the mission of the city of Amsterdam in 1989 were highly regarded and the future It was a long-awaited death. This book is a collection of works published the following year after its death, and is composed of portraits of children photographed in the alleys of Barcelona and Amsterdam.It is a book that impresses the expressions of grown-up children in a low angle. .. Book design by Willem Van Zoetendaal. Limited to 1500 copies.
<Related Artists> Rineke Dijkstra
<Condition> Body: Cover with little discoloration, little stain, few edge damage