Cookie Mueller

Nan Goldin


Publisher/Pace / MacGill Gallery

Format/ソフトカバー   Pages/-   Size/218*253*5
"Cookie Mueller," a photo book by Nan Goldin, one of America's leading female photographers. Similar to Nobuyoshi Araki and others, the photographer who represents "American private photography" in America, "The Ballad of Sexual Dependency" published in 1986 is the masterpiece of the photo book. However, even though it is the same "personal photo", Goldin's personal photo is to capture the "family" from a private gaze rather than to photograph the "self" through the subject like Araki and Masahisa Fukase. Intimate relationships and life with friends are the basis of Goldin's photographs at the time and the foundation for building a family. This book is also a catalog based on the motif of the writer Cookie Mueller, an actress who was a member of Goldin's family, and was published in 1990 after the exhibition held at Pace / MacGill Gallery in New York. It was Muller, who starred in numerous early films on director John Waters, died in 1989 of his husband from AIDS, and in 1990 himself. Goldin has been familiar with Mueller for more than 10 years since the late 70's, and this work contains 15 carefully selected illustrations. It's a very rich and wonderful catalog.
<Related Artists> Nan GoldinDavid Armstrong
<Condition> Main body: Slightly stained cover Heaven/ground/Small edge stained, few edge damage