The New West(First Steidl Edition)

Robert Adams



Format/ハードカバー   Pages/132   Size/230*255*20
Photograph "The New West (First Steidl Edition)" of photographer Robert Adams representing the United States. Born in New Jersey in 1937, Adams worked as an English teacher for a long time after graduating from college, began to study photography after moving to Colorado in the 1960s, and joined 1969 MoMA's photo director John Sharkawski. I decided to live as a photographer when I got a print. Known as the representative of "New Topographics" that depicts the changing landscape of America, Adams has left numerous masterpieces. This book is a timeless masterpiece that was first published in 1974 and has been reprinted by numerous publishers such as Aperture. A landscape collection that depicts the changing American landscape in a flat form through the suburbs of the Rocky Mountains. Along with Walker Evans' "American Photographs" and Robert Frank's "The Americans," it's a masterpiece of American history.
<Related Artists> Robert AdamsLewis Baltz
<Condition> Jacket: Slightly discolored, Body: Aged