ワンダーランド / Wonderland

大西 みつぐ / Mitsugu Ohnishi

¥5,500(¥5,000 + tax)


Format/ハードカバー   Pages/95   Size/248*258*18
Japanese photographer Mitsugu Onishi's photo book "Wonderland". Born in Fukagawa, Tokyo in 1952, after graduating from Tokyo Sogo College of Photography, he worked as a research assistant at the school and has been holding snap solo exhibitions since the 1970s. Mitsugu Onishi, who also taught at Tokyo Zokei University and Kanto Gakuin University, was also engaged as an educator. In addition, I have been engaged in activities for a long time, such as writing various photo magazines, discussing photography, and judging the monthly contest. This is the first book published in 1989 and is a sequel to the 18th Kimura Ihei Photography Award-winning work collection "Wonder Land -1980-1989-". From 1990 to 2006 It is composed of pictures taken. Onishi, who has taken "Tokyo downtown" for more than 30 years, came to the idea of "returning pictures to the town as a way to give back to the town", and what Tokyo is losing sight of, the calmness and richness of human beings. It is drawn to reconfirm.
<Related Artists> 須田 一政 / Issei Suda
<Condition> Jacket / Body: Aged