Seltsame Spiele

Leonard Freed

¥8,580(¥7,800 + tax)

Publisher/Verlag Barmeier & Nikel

Format/ソフトカバー   Pages/-   Size/280*205*10
American photographer Leonard Fried's photo book "Seltsame Spiele" (English translation: Strange Game). In the 1950s, he studied under Richard Avedon's teacher and art director Alexey Brodovitch, who built the heyday of Harper's Bazaar. In 1972, he published the masterpiece "Black In White America", which covered the American civil rights movement, and became a regular member of Magnum Photos in 1972. This book was published in 1970, the year after the publication of "Black In White America", and is a collection of photographs and visits to the atelier of Japanese-American sculptor and artist Shinkichi Tajiri. Beginning with the introduction of the Tajiri family tree, whose bloodline is the Chinese emperor Liu Kun, is it a strange play as the title suggests with a female model? The scenery, the state of the atelier, the sculptures, etc. are contained from Fried's unique perspective.
<Related Artists> Josef KoudelkaLeonard FreedRene Burri
<Condition> Good.