
仁保 芳男 / Yoshio Niho



Format/ハードカバー   Pages/165   Size/183*258*18
A collection of works by Japanese photographer Yoshio Niho (1905-1961). Nibo was born to his father, a technician at Nagasaki Shipyard, and since childhood longed for a design and technician, he seems to have taken pictures with pinhole cameras when he was a junior high school student. After graduating from the Department of Industrial Chemistry (Faculty of Photography) at Kyoto University's Faculty of Engineering, Niho's life is “fighting”. "People liberation" "Buraku liberation". . A well-bred intellectual man values "justice" and always fights head to head with unequal reality. A series of activities in "Kyoto" and sometimes "China" are included in this book. Before the war, he also ran a photo lab, and in the photo magazine "Camera Art", he translated and serialized overseas information on photography every month (under a pseudonym such as Mitsuhide Yamada and Sadasada Mizuya). A number of works by Niho who had excellent talent in knowledge and skills related to. This book is a book published by volunteers on Sanshu Anmu.
<Related Artists> 藤川 清 / Kiyoshi Fujikawa
<Condition> Body: cover slightly faded, slightly stained, slightly damaged, heavenly, ground, slightly reduced, slightly reduced, slightly faded, slightly stained, some illustrations slightly damaged