星の記憶 / Stellar Memories

奈良原 一高 / Ikko Narahara



Format/ソフトカバー   Pages/66   Size/210*255*10
A collection of works by Ichitaka Narahara, a leading post-war photographer in Japan, "Stellar Memories". Tomomatsu and Eikoh Hosoe have created a new sensation in the post-war Japanese photographic world.Their friends of "VIVO" have created numerous documentaries and avant-garde photographs based in Japan, while Narahara has been active since the 1960s. He traveled abroad and visited Europe (Europe: Still Time (1967), Spain, Great Afternoon (1969)), and the United States (Joy of Living (1972), Time to Disappear (1975)). We publish a photo book on stage. This book has been written abroad as well, and includes the "Star Memory" series, which was shot in the United States for several years in the 1970s as it crossed the continent. The records of this American era were compiled from Diane Arbus's workshop (partially adopted in the preface of Arbus's 1st book), as well as a monochrome "Where time has vanished". But here is the full color. At the end of 2019, a solo exhibition of this work will be held at Takashii Gallery.
<Related Artists> 奈良原 一高 / Ikko Narahara
<Condition> Plastic cover: little stain, little blemishes and minor damage, body: little smear