Ren Hang

任 航 / Ren Hang



Format/ハードカバー   Pages/311   Size/308*230*30
A collection of works by Chinese photographer Ren Han (1987-2017). In 2017, Len Han, a photographer who died himself at the age of 29 and is becoming a legend. Born in Changchun City, Jilin Province in 1987, Len Han, who was bored with a class at a university where he went to study advertising, started taking photos of his friends and roommates. Proceed on the way home. In the summer of 2011, he published his photo book “Ren Hang 2009-2011” at his own expense, followed by “Room” (2011) “Nude” (2012) “Republic” (2012) “My depression” (2013) “ Son and bitch ”(2014) and other works are published in succession every year. He also worked on image and visuals for collection brands such as Gucci and Maison Fox, and was expected to be more active in the future. This book is a collection of works published by Taschen after the death of Len Han, and is a large book that includes over 300 pages of illustrations as if summarizing his career.
<Related Artists> 任 航 / Ren Hang
<Condition> Very good.