你好小朋友 -中国の子供達-(復刻版)

秋山 亮二 / Ryoji Akiyama



Format/ソフトカバー   Pages/127   Size/250*260*15
This is a collection of photographs by Akihito Akiyama, representative of postwar Japan. Curated by Mr. John Scherkauski, director of the specialty photography department of MoMA, who has made a great contribution to the promotion of post-war art photography, and Shoji Yamagishi, editor-in-chief of the camera daily specialty, Japan's photographs have been widely introduced for the first time overseas. Akiyama Koji is also selected for the exhibition "New Japanese Photography". In casual everyday life, there are outstanding techniques to describe people's inner side from casual facial expressions and gestures. This book is a color photograph collection with Chinese children published in the early 80's, and is a completely reprinted version that follows the first edition of the layout and layout. Although only a part of the text has not been recorded, an interview with a photographer by the publisher and the Seiyodo is added at the end of the volume. "I am always beautiful, how cute I am, I also take photos when I want to be that" (from the interview) before the photographer's childish heart achieves dramatic economic growth A masterpiece of "Children's Photo Album" that captures the pure appearance of Chinese children in Japan.
<Related Artists> 秋山 亮二 / Ryoji Akiyama
<Condition> New issue