TV Junkie'83 / Memorial 031

吉田 睦子 / Mutsuko Yoshida



Format/ソフトカバー   Pages/-   Size/183*255*18
A collection of works by Japanese female photographer Yoshiko Yoshida "TV Junkie '83 / Memorial 031". This book is a collection of works with the motif of "TV images" as the title, and from the morning of 6 am to 3.30 pm, the shutters are shot on the image sent through the cathode ray tube, and the photos are laid out in time series One book that made "the present of Japan" of that time embossed by doing. It is a kind of "richness" that foresees the arrival of the bubble, and it also makes you feel the "pity" of the heart hidden in one side, and the problem of becoming a television addict. After 3:30 midnight, the TV broadcast is over, and it seems as if the screen pattern where the image is not visible even if the channel is turned is throwing up various problems for what is called "TV." Such a kind of found photo is famous such as "Scissorings" (1968) by Ryoichi Miyazaki and "Television 1975-1976" (2001) by Masao Mochizuki, but this book is hard even though its design and layout are not good. It is an interesting book that is full of humor without saying too much.
<Related Artists> 吉田 睦子 / Mutsuko Yoshida望月 正夫 / Masao Mochizuki宮崎 皓一 / Koichi Miyazaki
<Condition> Body; cover small thread · small yogore · small damaged heaven · earth · small · small · burn · small yogore, page margin small stain, rim small damage