リー・ミラー -自分を愛したヴィーナス-

Antony Penrose



Format/ソフトカバー   Pages/347   Size/138*213*25
"Lee Miller -Venus who loved herself-" is a collection of works based on Lee Miller, one of the pioneers of American female photographers. The author of this book, Antony Penrose, is the son of Roland Penrose and Lee Miller, art collectors and critics, and is also a photographer. Lee Miller was a photographer who was active in fashion photography and portraits from before the war, centering on Vogue, and was also a woman who captivated many artists because of her beauty. He was a disciple and lover of that Man Ray. In Man Ray's masterpiece "Observatory Time ... Lovers" created in the early 30's, the big lips floating in the sky belong to Lee Miller, and even after Miller left himself, Man Ray・ Ray often remembers Miller and says that he put that feeling into his work. This is a biography of such a mirror, a large book with nearly 350 pages.
<Related Artists> Man RayEugene Atget
<Condition> Body: Heaven / Earth / Small-sized burnt, other aged * This item can be delivered in a letter pack.