The Gentlemen's Clubs of London

Malcolm Lewis & Anthony Lejeune


Publisher/Dorset Press

Format/ハードカバー   Pages/296   Size/305*225*30
The Gentlemen's Clubs of London, a collection of works and photographs that introduces the Gentleman Club in London. In England, the country of gentlemen, there are more than 50 clubs, mainly in London, for membership socializing for the upper class. Nearly half of them are still women banned, and of course, it is a prestigious community where you cannot enter without a member. The discipline of dress code and etiquette is strictly controlled, and you can get a glimpse of its style in the construction, interior, and objects of clubs. This book is a collection of works introducing over 50 Gentleman clubs existing in London, published in 1984, and explains each club in detail, including photographs, illustrations, and some color plates. This book is enough to fully enjoy the gentle taste and taste of Gentleman due to its long history.
