AmericanWest / 西へ向かう(Signed)

桜井 秀 / Shu Sakurai



Format/ハードカバー   Pages/-   Size/288*288*18
"American West" is a photo collection of Japanese photographer Hideru Sakurai (1959-). After graduating from Tokyo Photography Junior College, he joined VIVO, a photographer group consisting of six members, such as Kikuchi Kawada, Akira Tanno, Hikaru Higashimatsu, Ikko Narahara, Hideko Hosoe and Akira Sato. Sakurai has been working on darkroom work as an assistant to each of the six photographers who make a name for himself in Japanese photographic history. After the dissolution of VIVO, Hakuhodo worked on commercial photography and worked as a free member after retirement. This book is a copy of the western United States, which became life work of Sakurai. A dynamic landscape that tells of the nostalgic nature of the West, the vastness of America, and the everyday subtlety, such as a sloppy country town, a cowboy in the classic hat, a majestic landscape of natural beauty interspersed with a city scene like a movie scene, etc. Contains the cut-out monochrome photo. At the beginning of the book, Higashimatsu commented that "the point of view, distance, angle, photo opportunity, etc. are perfectly filled with the structure of the picture and they are powerful." Photographer's sign with the articles of incorporation.
<Related Artists> Lee Friedlander奈良原 一高 / Ikko Narahara石元 泰博 / Yasuhiro Ishimoto
<Condition> Jacket: Small thread, body: Aging