The Suffering of Light / Thirty Years of Photographs

Alex Webb


Publisher/Thames & Hudson

Format/ハードカバー   Pages/-   Size/310*335*20
The Suffering of Light / Thirty Years of Photographs, a collection of photographs by American photographer Alex Webb. Webb, who has been working on photography in earnest since high school, has participated in workshops by master Bruce Davidson and others known for "Subway" and "Brooklyn Gang" since that time, and entered Harvard University (History and Literature). After that, he studied at the Carpenter Center for the Visual Arts in the same facility and started his career as a journalist after graduating. He became a regular member of Magnum Photos in 1979 and is a photographer who continues to energetically present his works. Set in Mexico, the Caribbean, the Middle East and Africa, the depiction of the web, created with bold composition and strong contrast colors, and skillfully using light and shadow, has a strong journalistic message. It is also described as a pioneer of "color journalism" from a different perspective than "color". This book contains major works carefully selected from Webb's more than 30 years of career.
<Related Artists> Alex WebbRene BurriHarry Gruyaert
<Condition> Body: Cover small thread, heaven / earth / small edge small stain