
松村 昭宏 / Akihiro Matsumura



Format/ソフトカバー   Pages/-   Size/215*295*10
"The Whereabouts of the Soul" is a collection of works by Japanese photographer Akihiro Matsumura. Born in Tokyo in 1959, after graduating from Tokyo College of Photography, he studied under Taiji Arita, a representative postwar Japanese photographer who also studied under Yoshihiko Ueda, and who later became active as a painter. He has been active as a photographer since the 1980s, and has published collections of works such as "Every People Every One" (1993), "Tokyo Portraits" (1997), and "The Cosplayer" (2000), many of which are portraits. This collection was published in 2002 and is a combination of still lifes and landscapes, with portraits of young people as the main focus. The colors are printed in a unique six-color ink print, and "the vivid colors perfectly capture the fleeting burning of young people's lives" (Kotaro Iizawa).
<Related Artists> 長島 有里枝 / Yurie Nagashima
<Condition> Good.