The Studio of Man Ray

Ira Nowinski

¥8,250(¥7,500 + tax)

Publisher/Nazraeli Press

Format/ハードカバー   Pages/-   Size/210*275*10
The Studio of Man Ray is a collection of works by American photographer Ira Nowinski. Born in New York in 1942, Nowinski, of Polish and Hungarian Jewish descent, has long been photographing Jewish subjects, such as Soviet Jews and the Karaite Jewish community. This is a somewhat unusual collection of photographs of the studio of Man Ray, an avant-garde artist who made his name in the 20th century. After Man Ray passed away in 1976, the studio was stored for a while, but after the 1990s it was flooded and all the belongings there were sold to pay taxes. Nowinski had already captured the studio on film in the 1980s, and the images are presented in eight chapters, including the entrance, shelves, walls, darkroom, bedroom, and more.
<Related Artists> Man Ray
<Condition> Very good.