Contact High

Richard Kern

¥27,500(¥25,000 + tax)


Format/ソフトカバー   Pages/96   Size/270*355*13
Contact High is a collection of works by Richard Kern, an American photographer and film director. In the early days, he produced many short films and music videos, while also publishing a magazine called The Heroin Addict for several years, pursuing provocative and edgy themes. Since the 1990s, he has mainly produced nude photographs, releasing a number of stimulating works, sometimes causing a lot of controversy. However, his unique style has received tremendous support from artists such as Petra Collins, and this book was also a hot topic when it was first released, and is a collection of portraits of women who enjoy Smoking Pot. When he was young, he listened to music, ran in the forest, swam naked in the lake, and sometimes enjoyed Smoking Pot. After a chance encounter with a girl who reminded him of his own teenage years, he took a picture of young women who live optimistic and free-spirited lives, as if looking back on his own boyhood.
<Related Artists> Richard PrinceRichard Kern
<Condition> Very good.