Cover to Cover

Michael Snow


Publisher/Light Industry Primary Information

Format/ソフトカバー   Pages/-   Size/178*228*20
Cover to Cover is a collection of works by Canadian artist Michael Snow (1929-), known for his experimental video work Wavelength in the 1960s. Snow was born in Canada and worked as a jazz pianist in the 1950s, and began presenting visual works as an artist in the 1960s. While continuing his work as an improviser, he has continued to create a wide range of works, including painting, sculpture, video, film, photography, drawing, and writing. This book is the long-awaited facsimile version of the legendary collection of works published in 1975. With Snow's unique sensibility, which states that "sculptures are made by musicians and films are made by painters," this is a film-like book that strings together images like stills. It is a unique collection of works that can be enjoyed from both the front and the back, and is said to have overturned the concept of how photography can be expressed.
<Related Artists> Michael Snow
<Condition> Very good.