Atelier Morandi(Second Edition)

Luigi Ghirri


Publisher/Contrejour & Palomar

Format/ソフトカバー   Pages/85   Size/270*210*10
"Atelier Morandi (Second Edition)" is a masterpiece photo collection by Luigi Ghiri, who is said to be the pioneer of color photography in Italy. In 1989, Luigi Ghiri had a chance encounter with the executor of Morandi's estate, and got the chance to photograph Morandi's studio. He continued to visit the studio for half a year and took about 400 photos. The place where Morandi had his feet, the place where he stared at the object, the place where the light was shining... What Ghiri saw in Morandi's studio was not only the hideout of the great painter, but also traces of a certain discipline, the posture when facing something. In Morandi's studio, Ghiri rediscovered the "posture" that was most important to Ghiri when taking a photograph, that is, the way of positioning oneself when facing something. Looking at things, loving things, thinking about something, creating something. A masterpiece of art work by a great painter and photographer who continued to think through images. Published in 2002, second edition.
<Related Artists> Luigi Ghirri
<Condition> Good.