Snap 20C(Signed)

立木 義浩 / Yoshihiro Tatsuki



Format/ハードカバー   Pages/-   Size/188*210*25
Snap 20C (Signed) is a collection of works by Yoshihiro Tatsuki, one of Japan's leading postwar photographers. Postwar Japanese photography is highly popular worldwide. Its popularity peaked in the 1960s and 1970s, expanding from the "innovation" of VIVO by Narahara, Tomatsu, Hosoe, and others, to the "destruction" of Provoke by Moriyama, Nakahira, Takanashi, and others, to "originality" such as private photography by Araki and others and Conpora by Gocho, and leaving a great legacy in the world of photography. However, we must not forget commercial photography, which created the "trend" of the era, and Yoshihiro Tatsuki was a pioneer of this trend alongside Kishin Shinoyama, Hajime Sawatari, and Noriaki Kano. Not to be outdone by Avedon or Penn, Tatsuki dominated camera and fashion magazines, created many portraits and nudes of famous actresses, and became a favorite of the era with "Private Life" using Mariko Kaga as a model. This book is a photo book released exclusively at the exhibition held at the Ueno Royal Museum in 2019. It contains 170 photos, including unpublished works taken in Japan and abroad over a career spanning nearly 50 years since the end of the war. Limited to 1,000 copies. Signed .
<Related Artists> 立木 義浩 / Yoshihiro Tatsuki
<Condition> Very good.