Spirit West

Justine Kurland

¥49,500(¥45,000 + tax)

Publisher/coromandel design

Format/ハードカバー   Pages/-   Size/245*305*13
Justine Kurland, a female photographer born in Warsaw, New York, has released a photo collection titled "Spirit West." Kurland studied photography under Todd Papageorge, Gregory Crewdson, and Philip Lorca diCorcia at the prestigious Yale University in the United States. Influenced by neo-romanticism from the 19th century onwards, she grew up admiring British art, landscapes, genre paintings, and the works of Julia Margaret Cameron from a young age. The world of "fairy tales" she read as a child is the inspiration for her work. The images of "humans" playing with boys and girls who have turned into fairies against the backdrop of "nature," such as desolate nature, pastoral landscapes, and utopian scenes, are very impressive. This book is Kurland's representative work, published in 2000. A spiritual fantasy set in New Zealand, woven by schoolgirls and nature. A wonderful book with a wonderful harmony of traditional, pictorial elements and modern, photographic elements. Limited to 1,500 copies.
<Related Artists> Justine Kurland
<Condition> Good.