
Daniel Castro Garcia & Thomas Saxby

¥22,000(¥20,000 + tax)

Publisher/John Radcliffe Studio

Format/ソフトカバー   Pages/-   Size/210*295*23
Foreigner is a collection of works by Daniel Castro Garcia, a photographer based in Sicily and London. This book was nominated as a finalist for the First Book Award established by MACK Books in London and the Aperture Foundation First Book Award at Paris Photo, and is co-authored with designer Thomas Saxby, who shares his studio. The theme is "immigration," and the book captures people from Africa and the Middle East risking their lives to migrate to Italy and Greece, including the Calais region, known as the "jungle" of France, and was released to strongly appeal to the world about the humanitarian crisis. There is a tendency for negative and misinformation to spread about the issue of immigration, but many of the people involved are children, and the book depicts human life, human dignity, and human rights that should be considered beyond borders. It is not just a case of short-sighted sympathy, but is presented with visuals and useful text to correctly understand the real situation and facts of their situation. Limited to 1,000 copies.
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<Condition> Very good.