My Birth

Carmen Winant

¥22,000(¥20,000 + tax)

Publisher/SPBH Editions

Format/ソフトカバー   Pages/-   Size/230*308*15
My Birth is a collection of works by American writer and photographer Carmen Winant. A contemporary artist whose creative activities related to feminism are expressed through various methods such as photography, text, collage, and even installation. Since her student days, she has had a strong interest in women and photography, and attended the California Institute of the Arts, where she studied under master artist Larry Sultan. This is the work that made Carmen's name known to the world, and was featured as an installation at MoMA's "Being: New Photography 2018" exhibition. Based on her own experience of giving birth, this is an ambitious work that strives to publicly announce the somewhat closed and private activity of childbirth with various meanings. In addition to her own illustrations, she compiles images from various archives into a collage, summarizing the series from labor pains, delivery, childbirth, and breastfeeding from an objective perspective. 2018, first edition.
<Related Artists> Vincent Ferrane
<Condition> Very good.