H ロッキング・オン・ジャパン 1996年3月増刊号 特集=ジャパンインポート


¥2,200(¥2,000 + tax)


Format/ソフトカバー   Pages/96   Size/230*300*5
This magazine is the March 1996 issue of the magazine "H" published by Rocking On. It is a culture magazine that is still published irregularly to this day, and was originally (and still is?) a sister magazine to Cut, but it focuses on music, fashion, art, movies, and entertainment. The unique magazine page that incorporates such things is attractive. The theme of this issue is "Japan Import". Japanese culture, such as Japanese anime, comics, music, TV, fashion, and art, has permeated the mentality of people living overseas. The content follows the movement. In addition, it is a gorgeous book that includes a portrait and interview with Kahimi Kari by Sofia Coppola, and even features Kim Gordon.
<Related Artists> ソフィア・コッポラ / Sofia Coppola
<Condition> Good.